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Philipp Budeikin's (The Blue Whale Game )

Phillip Budeikin
Philipp Budeikin born in 1995 in Russia, is a Russian video game programmer, who is known for making suicide-game blue whale, which is thought to be the suicide game spreading in several countries. The blue whale game also knows as 'Blue Whale Challenge", is a 21st century is social network phenomenon that is claimed to exist in several countries, beginning in 2016.

Budeikin was prisoned after the game started creating awareness of suicide, for the period of 3 year in 2017. Before being jailed, he revealed that he was university-expelled student and had ceated the game only because of he found that the majority of kids of society were victims to biological wastes.

Games Description
Blue Whale Challenger 

In the game, the player is assigned to perform 50 tasks by administrator within the trial of 50days and last task being suicide. They are also encouraged to five photos to administrator after completion. 

The game has caused suicides in many countries with more than 130 deaths and some attempts which were first stated by Russian newspaper, in Chhattisgarh the students were asked to write about the game and how it is creating awareness, to which Supreme Court sought complete ban of game. Blue Whale Game came to prominence in may 2016 through an article in Russian newspaper, Novaya Gazeta that linked many unrelated child suicides to membership of group "F57" on the social network. A wave of moral panic swept Russia. However the piece was later criticized for attempting to make a causal link where non existed, and none of the suicides was found to be as a result of group activities.  

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