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15 Rohingyas die as trawler capsizes in Bay near Cox’s Bazar

At least 15 people died as a trawler carryingRohingyas from Myanmarcapsized in the Bay near Inani beach in Ukhiaupazila of Cox’s Bazar today.

Bodies of 15 Rohingyas including children and women were recovered from near the beach, our Cox’s Bazar staff correspondent reports quoting Ukhia Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md Mainuddin.
So far 19 Rohingya Muslims were rescued after the trawler capsized that took place due to bad weather in the Bay, said Stalin Barua, sub-inspector of Inani police camp.
Eight of them were admitted to Ukhia Upazila Health Complex and six others – Abdul Gaffar, 14, Toflin, 12, Sajeda, 18, Anwar Shahdat, 10, Md Shahdat, 7, and Md Kashem, 40, -- were taken to the Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital.
Coastguards and police are conducting a rescue operation since the trawler sank in Patuartek area of Inani around 4:00pm.

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