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The past week showed Trump is struggling to be the president he promised

President Trump talks with reporters Friday as he leaves
the White House for his private golf club.
On the campaign trail, Donald Trump pitched himself as a deal-maker
who would look out for the country’s “forgotten people,” “drain the swamp,” unite the country, “immediately repeal and replace Obamacare,” surround himself with “only with the best and most serious people,” and, of course, “win so much.”
But this past week made clear that Trump is falling far short of fulfilling those promises.
He launched a divisive debate with racial undertones about whether professional athletes should stand for the national anthem, lashed out at  Puerto Rico's officials for begging his administration for more help after a devastating hurricane and backed a tax plan that analysts say would greatly benefit the wealthy.
Meanwhile, his chosen candidate in the Alabama Senate race lost big to an insurgent challenger, the latest attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act failed, and his health and human services secretary resigned after using taxpayer dollars to pay for several expensive chartered flights, another major departure from the president’s top staff in the first eight months of his administration.

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